8 Common Ecommerce Fulfillment Problems and How to Fix Them

According to an infographic from Milo Local Shopping, 38% of online consumers will not proceed with buying a product if shipping will take more than a week. And you might be one of them. But whether you own a small business or you are a [...]

Why Small Businesses Must Communicate Clearly to Customers About Shipping

In the wake of Amazon’s commitment to one and two-day shipping, fast delivery is becoming the new normal in e-commerce. According to CNN, 85% of online shoppers have made a purchase from Amazon in the last six months. As more customers purchase from the e-commerce [...]

5 Low-Budget Marketing Ideas For Small Businesses

The desire not to risk a large sum of money when starting a business is perfectly justified. Even if you conducted a thorough analysis of the target audience, made sure that your offer will have a response, thought out a business strategy, investing a huge [...]

4 Simple Ways to Help Your Business Shine this Small Business Saturday

Small Business Saturday has been an important part of improving small business and is founded by American Express. Established in 2010, the event takes place on the Saturday that follows Thanksgiving.    The day is a call to action to actively support small businesses in [...]

The Ultimate Guide to Small Business SEO in 2019

Modern businesses have an extra joker under their sleeves today, one that can give them bigger reach than it was ever possible. They have access to the Internet and therefore, a chance to reach a much bigger audience. That being said, every small business needs [...]

How Do Consumers Use Retail Apps?

A recent study by Visual Objects found that most consumers use shopping apps a few times per week and are most likely to access: Mass merchant retailer apps such as Target, Walmart, or Costco Pure online retailer apps such as Amazon or Overstock Food and [...]

What Type of Website Does Your Retail Business Need?

For small businesses in the modern era, it’s no longer a question of whether they need a website. A web presence is required for even the smallest brick-and-mortar businesses. What you should consider instead is how robust a website you need. Retail businesses in [...]

5 Ways How Small Businesses Can Increase Online Sales

The Internet has become a very significant force for the last decade. Now the majority of people cannot imagine their lives without Internet access. It is used for finding new information, communicating with friends, carrying out payment transactions, purchasing various items, or booking holidays. [...]

5 Smart E-Commerce Lessons to Boost Local Business

Nowadays, we cannot underestimate the power of online shopping websites. With more people shopping from e-commerce stores to save energy and time, the interest of those who prefer to shop at physical stores has declined to some degree. At the same time, we can’t [...]