New SnapRetail Brand Identities – Elegant, Retro & Mod

In February we introduced the concept of brand identities for the first time. It was our goal to provide you with a way to establish a uniform look and feel across your email, website and social media channels. Since then, we’ve seen many retailers successfully [...]

What’s the Secret to Hiring and Keeping a Quality Staff?

One of the biggest challenges in retailing today is finding, hiring and training qualified people. Today’s employee turnover is higher than ever. Independent retailers who strive to be the best and sell the most recruit and retain the best. But here is a catch: the [...]

Window Display Power Tools

It’s difficult to stop busy people in their tracks. You’re lucky if they even notice your store in their daily travels. To attract positive attention to your store you need to have eye-catching displays. The six most important design elements to get people to stop [...]

6 Reasons Buying an Email List is Bad for Business

“Too often the shortcut, the line of least resistance, is responsible for evanescent and unsatisfactory success.” - Louis Binstock Keep this quote in mind the next time you start thinking about buying an email list. The temptation can be great, especially if you are new [...]

3 New SnapRetail Features to Help You Reach More Customers

At SnapRetail, it’s our mission to take our independent retailers above and beyond in their online marketing endeavors. April’s product release is packed with new SnapRetail features and enhancements that will continue to set our customers apart from their competition. Keep reading to learn about selling [...]

The 5 W’s of Facebook’s Website Custom Audience Pixel

Read this quick, 3-minute blog post for the who, what, where, when, and why of Facebook’s Website Custom Audience Pixels The Website Custom Audience Pixel is a powerful component of Facebook’s advertising platform that lets you create Facebook Ads that target people who have visited [...]

Amazon vs. Brick and Mortar Retail

This post was originally published on One Step Retail's blog Who is your competition? This is a question I ask my retail customers and typically they respond with a few different company names, but rarely do they respond with Amazon. Amazon’s ability to provide great [...]