8 Mistakes to Avoid When Sending Email Newsletters

    Email newsletters are one of the most important methods of communication with customers used by online businesses today. By using emails, you can establish a direct channel of communication and supply the subscribers with useful content, information about sales, events, and other perks, and, [...]

      Email Marketing for Small Business [PART 2]

      Learn about mobile's role in email marketing, design tips, and the basics of autoresponders in "Email Marketing for Small Business [Part 1]." Now you may ask, if email is everywhere and anyone can send it, why do I need an email marketing tool? [...]

        How to Use Emojis in Subject Lines

        Emojis - those little symbols appearing in text messages everywhere. However, start to imagine emojis in email subject lines too! In the mess of numbers, letters, email address and more, an emoji can break through the monotony and say, “Here I am! Open me first!” A recent [...]