One of the key reasons consumers purchase designer product is because they feel that they share an aesthetic with the designer. In other words, they fall in love with a line or product. I know for instance that the likelihood is very high that I can find the shoes I want from Via Spiga, and it keeps me coming back again and again. And, I am willing to pay more knowing that I can save time (precious commodity for most of us), combined with the fact that they have proven to me that it is a quality product that will last. This is a powerful dynamic, which can also apply to your store as the brand. Repeat clients are the foundation of your business.
This connection can be even stronger if your clients are introduced (this can take many forms) to the designer or creative force behind a brand. The more vividly we paint the picture, the more our clients feel as if they know the person.
Shopping is still one of the top forms of recreation. And, we like to talk about our purchases, especially if there is an interesting story to tell. Oftentimes retailers know quite a bit about our lines – the country it was manufactured in, the specific manufacturing techniques, the design inspiration, the unique materials or gemstones. But, we fail to effectively communicate this to our clients.
Here are a few tips:
- Don’t just rely on marketing materials given to you by the designer, call them up and see what other information you can glean.
- Have a framed image of the designer beside the brand with a short bio/design philosophy
- Put together a features/benefits, design inspiration, designer bio and facts sheet for each sales associate
- Role play several sales presentations in a team meeting until every associate is well versed in the line
- When marketing the brand, do not forget to include the aspects that differentiate the brand, not just the product
- Have “Meet the Designer” events in your store – always have a breakfast training for your staff with the designer prior to the event
If you need further assistance or strategies on this topic or any other area, to build your business, please contact Becka Johnson Kibby at The Edge Retail Academy: Becka@EdgeRetailAcademy or 877-569-8657, Ext. 1.
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