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artoberVA is a month-long celebration of arts and culture in Richmond and the Tri-Cities. Presented by CultureWorks, artoberVA promotes events, pop-ups, exhibits, science, history, collaborations, and any arts or culture experience happening  in October.

We are kicking off artoberVA  October 3, Thrusday 6 to 8 pm with

"Wonderment" Show, Landscapes To Escape To
Our show wall will be filled with over 20 dramatic originals from these participating artists: Jos Biviano, David Short, Christopher Wynn, Gayle Barber, Susan Afrasiabian, Debra Keirce, Perry Skaggs, Caroline Young & Bev Purdue.
Join us Opening Night for a 'Meet & Greet' with the artists &
peruse fantastic paintings! 
Coffee and Crows
Spring Storm at Sunset
 Events Calendar...Save the Dates

through October 31 - Debra Keirce "Homage to the Masters" show continues with her paintings of modern interpretations inspired by famous paintings! 

In celebration of ArtOber - We have events not to miss!!
October 3 - Landscape show, "Wonderment" Opens​ with gallery artists & invited guest artists
October 11 & 12 - Demonstration on True Miniature Paintings with Debra Keirce. 
This is interactive & the audience can participate in painting a miniature ! 
Store Hours
Gallery Hours::
Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, & Friday
10 am to 5 pm
Saturday 10 am to 4 pm
And by Appointment...
Send an email to: BellaArte@msn.com

Newsletters, FB & Instagram continue
Bella Arte Gallery

3734 Winterfield Road

Midlothian, VA 23113

(804) 794-1511
