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Redesign 2 Shine
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Welcome to Color!
This past week, I took Maria Killam’s Specify Color with Confidence Workshop. While I specify color all the time for my clients, this class specifically looks at the undertone of color. The fixed elements in a room, say a kitchen, are the appliances, countertops, cabinets and backspace. All of these fixed elements have an undertone to them. Knowing what the undertone is will ensure that all the colors, including the wall color, will work well together BEFORE you make costly mistakes.
Selfie time with Maria Killam.
Colors are clean or dirty
and have undertones.
The fun part -
fabric, trim and paint!
Before and After
Outdated furniture styles and color can be easily updated by reupholstering them.
We reupholstered the ottoman with stylish fabric and new acrylic legs.
Tip of the day: If you are going to try to pick paint color yourself, make sure you hold up your new color against white (like poster board), not on your currently painted wall. If you're not sure you can do it yourself, and need a color consultation, please call me at 630-926-8376 for an appointment.
For more information, visit my website at www.redesign2shine.com