This month we are sticking with the quartz family and featuring amethyst. We mostly know it as the birthstone of February and that it dons the color or royalty. You will see it in many royal collections from ancient Egypt to the British Crown Jewels.
Amethyst gets its name from the Greek word amethustos meaning "sober". It was thought to prevent the bearer from getting drunk, which is why many goblets were made with amethyst. In Greek mythology it is said to have been crystals dyed from the tears of Dionysus, the god of wine and revelry. However, we know that it gets its color from iron.
For some it is known as the stone of spirituality and transformation. In the Old Testament, it is written that Aaron, the Jewish High Priest, wore amethyst in the center of his breastplate, and it was said to induce visions and revelations. Today the Catholic bishop still wears an amethyst ring on the second finger of his right hand.
Amethyst is also associated with the Crown Chakra for spiritual clarity and love of the higher mind. It also can be used for diffusing pain. Combining it with Rose quartz is said to enhance the qualities of both stones.
Amethyst is the state gemstone of South Carolina, and can be found there in its raw form. However, the most notable sources come from Western India, Brazil, Sir Lanka, and Uruguay. Since amethyst qualities vary greatly with their origin and the most valuable of crystals are those with the richest darkest color.
There is so much more about this wonderful stone that so many of us are drawn to. I encourage you to do some more reading.
We have quite a bit of amethyst in the store in many forms so come on in and explore the qualities of this beautiful crystal!