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The Doodlebug Inc.
Here are the 
Get It Scrapped
Pages for this week!
Remember the "Get It Scrapped" Pages can be done here in the store anytime from 10:30am-6:00pm on Tuesday or Wednesday and all you need to bring are your basic supplies!  MOST of the papers in the kits are pre-cut for you, so you basically just need to ink the edges and assemble!

***Quantities are limited
so if you would like to reserve a kit, please give us a call at 812-482-4949 and we will be happy to hold one, or both, for you!
Pin It!
Title: Happy
Cost:  $5.25
Photo Sizes:  2- 4X6 photos
Pin It!
Title: Selfie Love
Photo Sizes: (3) 3X3.5in.
Cost $6.99
Includes a full sticker sheet!
***Remember- if you are just ordering kits...make sure you save this email as the kits do not have a picture in them!!  If you would like for us to include a picture, just let us know and we will add it to your tab for 50 cents!  :)   You can also find these emails archived on our Web site!  Thanks and ENJOY these pages!!   I know they are helping Melanie and myself to stay "not too far behind" in our books too!!  :)
The Doodlebug Inc.
The Doodlebug Inc.

671 3rd. Ave.
Suite C
Jasper, IN 47546
(812) 482-4949

Store Hours
Mon: 10:00am-5:00pm
Tues-Fri: 10:00am-6:00pm
Sat. : 10:00am-3:00pm

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