First Friday Mass & Devotions
January 3rd at 12:00 Noon & 7:30 pm
Masses are followed by Exposition, Devotions and Confessions. Adoration continues between Masses.
Shop open 10 am - 12 pm & 1 pm - 7:30 pm
First Friday Promises
First Saturday Mass & Activities
January 4th
Latin Rosary - 9:45 am, booklets provided.
Mass & Devotions - 10:30 am
Mass is followed by Exposition, Devotions and Confessions. Benediction around 12:00 noon. Shop 9:45-10:30 am and 11:30 am-2 pm
First Saturday Promises
Every First Saturday Mass is offered for the intentions of our patrons and benefactors, and that means you!
Holy Hour of Reparation
to the Sacred Heart before the Blessed Sacrament
Second Friday of the Month following Noon Mass,
Friday, January 10th
In light of the affronts against God and his creation which are being perpetrated and increasingly promoted in our world, we are again making this powerful devotion a regular activity. Come join in these vocal prayers of thanksgiving and reparation to the Blessed Trinity and especially our Savior, prayers through our dear Blessed Mother, and all the saints for unity in the Church, for sinners of all types, for a just and lasting peace in the world and more! Booklets provided.
The Seven Sorrows Devotions
Weekly on Tuesdays & Fridays at 11 am
followed by our regular rosary at 11:30 pm and Mass at noon.
Join us as we honor Our Lady of Sorrows.
We pray this Rosary to learn to suffer with love, as did the Blessed Mother. The Seven Sorrows Rosary leads us to understand suffering, sins, and sorrows. As we pray with our Sorrowful Mother, we begin to feel empathy for the suffering Our Lady, Our Lord, our neighbors, and ourselves. Learn more about it HERE.
Flame of Love Cenacles
Thursdays at 1:30 pm In OLC Chapel & live-streamed
Come join us to pray for the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which is Christ Himself, to be enkindled in our hearts and bring about a new Pentecost. There is no denying that this is exactly what our broken and hurting world needs. Learn more about this powerful and growing devotion HERE. Contact Joan & Paul Kane for the materials and to sign up.
Children's Storytime & Craft
2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month,
10:30-11:30 am in the Conference Room
January Dates: 1/8 & 1/22
Bring the children to hear Mrs. Ginny read entertaining and wonderfully virtuous Catholic children's books, do a fun craft, and enjoy a snack. RSVP so we know how many snacks and crafts to have on hand, but last minute drop-ins are always welcome!
Blanket Making Workshops
2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month,
1:00 pm in the Conference Room
January Dates: 1/14 & 1/28
All are welcome after Mass in the Conference room to help make no-sew blankets for Project Linus to be distributed to children in crisis situations. Material and simple instructions are provided.
Over 2000 blankets have been tied and donated through OLC to date!
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena
Thursdays following 12:00 Noon Mass
In this novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, we pay tribute to the Blessed Virgin Mary in asking for her assistance. The image has helped her provide strength, comfort and miracles to the faithful for centuries!
St. Blaise Feast Day Blessing of Throats
at the 12:00 noon Mass
Join us for Mass and have your throat blessed with candles. This tradition dates back to the 4th century after St. Blaise, a bishop and martyr saved a boy choking on a fishbone. We invoke St. Blaise for his protection against any physical ailment of the throat. Let us also pray for protection against any spiritual ailment which may find vent through our throats: profanity, cursing, unkind remarks, or gossip.
OLC Christmas Party 2024
Celebrating Christ's Birth with Old Friends and New
Many thanks to all who came out to our Patron Pot Luck Party and brought delicious treats to share. It was quite a delicious banquet! We loved having so many of you join us and celebrating with friends both old and new!
Basket Raffles Raise Over $3000!
Our annual Christmas Basket Raffle was another success. Thank you to all who donated items and services and to all who entered. We wish that every single one of you could have won, but it is our hope that you at least feel rewarded in knowing that your generous, enthusiastic support enables us to continue this unique and holy ministry of bringing people to Jesus through Mary.
Here are the
Basket # 1: Hand-Painted Nativity -
Maurine Kostkowski
Maurine bought a single ticket and won the beautiful hand-painted nativity by Liscano.
Basket #2: White Christmas -
Nancy Balick
Nancy has been a devoted patron of OLC for over 30 years and is about to welcome her first grandchild!
Basket #3: Where Charity
& Love Prevail -
Tania Marcic
Tania chose "The Apostolate of the Sea as the charity which would receive 50% of the proceeds from the ticket sales of this basket. Not pictured.
St. Nicholas Day 2024!
Once again, our illustrious president, Jack Kissane, reprised his role as St. Nicholas to the general delight of children, parents and shopping patrons alike. Mrs. Ginny was once again his illustrious assistant. St. Nicholas Day is one of our favorite traditions, complete with chocolate gold coins left in the children's shoes for them to find!
Presentation & Book Signing by Kevin Wells
What a truly lovely evening!
Christmas Clearance
Going on Now!
Take 25% OFF
listed prices of
remaining Christmas & Advent Items through January.
One Excellent Catholic Book
to read on a snowy evening
15% OFF
No coupon necessary. One use per person please. Valid on regularly priced, new, in-stock items only. Cannot be combined with other coupons or discounts. Some exclusions apply.
Expires 01/31/2025 |
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