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Divine Inspirations Books And Gifts
Put on your binoculars and take a peek down the lane!

So many shout out that 2022 is going to be the worst year yet!

I strongly disagree!

I very much believe that this will be the turning point in the battle for our souls. 

No, that is not just a cliche. 

I truly believe good things will come from what happens now. 
Oh, don't get me wrong; I'm not saying life will be a piece of cake. 
For all who have been paying close attention more eyes are being opened!
This is good!
For too long the numbers of battle-scarred and weary soldiers have longed to see recruitments. Especially young, energetic replacements who have a;
"we've been robbed and it's time to fix that"
a "can-do" attitude!
The boys in Rome and any who desire to support them all around the world, have declared openly to the world what many of us have been saying of them for so long.
They are men with power who want to stomp out the life and love of others. 

They have given us hope in that by showing their bullying ways, we know they are aware that those of us who refused to go along with the New Church that they put into place in the '60s, '70s, and '80s especially, are a real threat to their modernists and heretical ways. 
And interestingly enough, Francis is so welcoming to those who do not hold to the teachings of the Church.
So much of this can be seen as nothing new when we read Jeremiah and see how those who spoke the Word of God were made to be laughing stock first,
and when putting the men of God down in that way did not work 
they resorted to imprisonment and other hardships.

Francis of Rome has just lowered a hammer blow to the Traditional Catholic World, during the Christmas Season which he believes will end us once and for all. 
All of these crusaders have been proven correct even if they are watching it all from afar!

When even just this past week in the news we have seen amazing liturgical abuses of so many kinds by bishops and priests in the New Church, Francis of Rome and a number of his bishops have done nothing about those, but instead have decided to lock out anyone who loves and appreciates the traditions, going all the way back to the Apostles.!

This is amazing in once sense but certainly not surprising in another sense. 

I say amazing, because they don't seem to realize that they have shown that they finally understand where the strength in the Church resides:
It is in the Traditional Church which is made up of those who love the true beauty and richness that has always been found in this sacred liturgy.

Where these churches are filled.
But not with just with numbers....no, they are filled with Catholics who
and who pray that they will be strong enough to DIE for this Faith. 

And Francis of Rome now understands that, and is striking at these, just as he has struck at so many other signs of this old life growth...
(how many monasteries has he shut down? how many orders of religious has he locked up? The numbers are many....
how is any of this a good thing? 

I hope more are opening their eyes to recognize evil when they see it. 
Those who saw this from the start have certainly been vindicated in a huge way.
Pray a prayer of thanks and pray they are enjoying their Eternal Reward!
They refused to have anything to do with something that has brought such harm to the Church. 
They had eyes and they gave their life using them!
Here are just a few dictates from Rome and already from some bishops:
1. As of January, all priests need permission to say the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM)
2. No diocesan priest can administer ANY of the Sacraments in the Traditional Rite unless he gets specific permission!
3. If any church receives permission, they are NOT allowed to publish the TLM in the parish Mass schedule.
4. Confirmations and Ordinations can NO LONGER be celebrated in the TLM form. 
5. Priests who do not say the New Mass should not be given permission to say the TLM
6. Priests ordained after July 16, 2021 are not allowed to say the TLM without permission directly from the Vatican
7. Priests cannot say the TLM outside the diocese.
8. Priests who say the TLM are not permitted to offer it as their second Mass on weekdays.

The one huge question that is coming from even those who DO NOT attend the Traditional Latin Mass is this:

"How is stomping out the only area where there is REAL growth, showing a love of the Church and of all souls who are trying to live out their life of faith to the best of their abilities and who seem to be doing a pretty darn good job of that....how is this an attitude of true pastoral care?"

"Then the people of the land hindered the hands of the people of Juda, and troubled them in building....lv; 4
Then the work of the house of the Lord in Jerusalem was interrupted, and ceased till the second year of the reign of Darius, King of the Persians
. 24


"St. Therese,
(pick your saint from the many found in the litany of the saints)
how did you ever become a saint ?.... you only attended the Traditional Latin Mass!"

From those in power today, we continue to hear the threatening words of those in power of old:
"We certify the king, that if this city be built, and the walls thereof repaired, though shalt have no possession on this side of the river. "
Jeremiah Chapt 4: 16

Threats are nothing new....
But now we know the next stage:
"And it came to pass from that day froward, that half of their young men did the work, and half were ready for fight, with spears,  and shields, and bows and coats of mail, ...
Of them that built on the wall, ...with one of his hands he did the work, and with the other he held a sword". 
(this is only one picture of one location....think, if we could get a big enough camera to include ALL of the thousands of TLM priests .
....that just might happen when they are rounded up and put into the gulag)

So, we pray for the thousands of priests and the few good bishops that they will have the courage to stand against this newest tyranny. 
Everyone who has a knowledge of even the basics of the Catechism, knows that NO unjust law has binding authority. 
We've been treated like this for our entire life. 
Colin and I were married in the traditional Ukrainian Rite due to unjust laws. 

And you see in this picture of our wedding 41 years ago, three priests!
One was the Pastor of the Ukrainian Church who opened his arms to so many of us persecuted Roman Rite folks. (yes, he was a true shepherd who knew his duty to all sheep)
One was our old Pastor who had baptized me, administered the sacraments of Penance and Holy Eucharist and who wanted to be there for me for my next holy Sacrament.
One was our good priest who was there for my family through it all and who had been left out in the cold by those who had dumped all that had been held as sacred through the centuries as no longer good!
tell that to the saints)
I apologize for the length of this eblast. But it just seemed crucial that I put forth some of what is going on so that those of you who don't have priests who are talking about these abuses can be brought up to speed and know what the sheep in the pasture over from yours are going through. 

But from the blood of the martyrs always comes good!
Hold fast to the Traditions no matter who is attacking them. 

And if anyone still does not understand that there has been a huge rupture in the Church from the past, you just have not opened your eyes. 

There is indeed an
old church
a new church!
I'm planning on one (maybe Last) presentation on the TLM this Sunday. (This is the #1)
(# 2 follow up will be scheduled soon)
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Be not afraid!

Giving God the best will be more than noticed by Him. 
At least come and find out what that means.
Divine Inspirations Books And Gifts

408 - 3rd St. No.

So. St. Paul, MN 55075

(651) 470-3958

Store Hours
Sunday: 9:30 - Noon
Wednesday: Noon to 5:00 PM
Saturday: 8:30 - 10 AM
Anytime by appointment - call 651-470-3958
* We are a family owned and operated business dedicated to our Lord and Blessed Lady.
* We are located in the former St. Augustine school building.
* We carry the latest Catholic books, devotional items, religious gifts, collectibles, statuary, jewelry, home- school materials.
* We carry gifts to celebrate the sacraments and all of life's special moments and events.