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IPA Member Update 
April 2021

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Web: www.ipagroup.org
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Independent Pharmacy Alliance, established 1988, is a trade group and retail pharmacy buying cooperative representing over 3,700 independent pharmacies.
First and foremost, thank you for your ongoing work on behalf of the patients your serve every day. As you know, your ability to serve your patients is perpetually and retroactively threatened by pharmacy direct and indirect renumeration (DIR) fees.

I write to alert you that the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) has filed a lawsuit to protect you from outrageous pharmacy DIR fees.

Independent Pharmacy Alliance commends NCPA for filing this much needed lawsuit, but, like any suit against the federal government, it will be expensive! Regardless of whether you are an NCPA member or not, we all benefit from this action and I ask you to consider contributing to NCPA’s Legislative/Legal Defense Fund (LDF).

If you contribute using the attached flyer, your contribution will be clearly associated with IPA and NCPA will clearly see that IPA stand shoulder to shoulder with them in fighting the PBMs.

This lawsuit is the next step in NCPA’s aggressive response to the PBMs. NCPA also played an integral role in Rutledge v. PCMA where the Supreme Court declared states can regulate PBMs. In response, the PBMs launched campaigns in 18 states to date to besmirch community pharmacies, lie to patients, and avoid over-due state legislation AND regulation. Attached is a copy of a billboard that has recently loomed over the state capitol in Austin. So delusional it’s hilarious. Except it’s no joke. Their assault is real, and NCPA is responding to these smear campaigns as well. With your investment, NCPA will continue to fight back and call out PBMs for ripping off pharmacists, patients, and taxpayers and DEMAND action.

Your investment in NCPA’s LDF will be dedicated to these efforts to fight the PBMs on your behalf. Please use the attached pledge card, give online at https://ncpa.org/ncpa-v-azar, or text LDF to (703) 783-9397 to donate whatever you can give so that NCPA can keep fighting for all of us.

For Fairness and Transparency,

Anthony Minniti, President, IPA RxPAC-NJ
Anthony V. Minniti, R.Ph.
President, IPA RxPAC-NJ
NCPA Member 

Owner, Bell Pharmacy, Camden, NJ
P.S. Please make sure to see the picture below of a PBM billboard attacking independent pharmacies. All the more reason to use the attached flyer to support NCPA as they sue for pharmacy DIR reform!
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IPA ~ Trade Association & Buying Co-Op
3 Cedar Brook Drive 
▪ Cranbury ▪ NJ ▪ 08512
(p) 800-575-2667  (f) 609-395-1007 ▪ www.ipagroup.org
CEO: John A. Giampolo    Executive Vice President:  John Giampolo Jr. 

For more information, contact Kathy Fuller, IPA Corp Dir of Operations at info@ipagroup.org / 800-575-2667
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