410-461-5066 • 240-581-8013 (C)
3301 S. Rogers Avenue, Ellicott City, MD 21043
Turn between the blue mailbox and guardrail
and follow our lane to a lovely oasis of peace.
www.ourladyscenter.net • email@ourladyscenter.net
"To Jesus through Mary"
Hours: Mon-Thurs 10am-4pm with Rosary at 11:30 am and Mass at 12 noon.
Fridays 10am-7:30pm with Rosary at 11:30 am, Mass at 12 Noon, Adoration from 12:30-7:30 pm. Friday evening Mass 7:30 pm followed by Exposition & Devotions until 9 pm.
First Saturdays only: Open 10 am -2 pm, Mass at 10:30 followed by Exposition & devotions.
Confessions follow every Mass. Bookstore always closed during Mass.
The Church dedicates February to the HOLY FAMILY, our model of virtue for the Catholic home and the ideal of what family life should exemplify. The family is the school of virtue for both parents and children. It is where we learn to love God and others, to pray and to practice the gift of charity. “The family, more than any other human reality, is the place in which the person is loved for himself and in which he learns to live the sincere gift of self” (Pope St. JPII). Is it any wonder that the family is under attack? Let us pray for all families, especially for those suffering from the brokenness of estrangement.
SNOW in the Forecast?
Call 410-461-5066 and press "5" for up-to-the-minute weather related announcements or check Facebook before heading out.
We will be open if possible and prudent. We do not follow County closings. This winter, The County crews are clearing and salting for us as they are working down our lane. They do an excellent job.
This month is packed with events! Scroll down to see an "Events at a Glance" listing.
One Day, Three Celebrations!
Tuesday, February 2nd 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
• CANDLEMAS with Blessing of Candles & Sacramentals
Candlemas, also known as the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord Jesus, is a Christian holiday commemorating the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple. It falls on February 2, which is traditionally the 40th day of the Christmas-Epiphany season. This is also the day which Our Lady requested to Elizabeth Kindleman be the day on which the Feast of the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary be observed.
We will celebrate with the following schedule:
11:30 AM - Rosary and Prayers followed by a reflection on the Flame of Love feast.
12:00 Noon - Flame of Love Procession & Mass with Blessing of Candles* & Sacramentals
12:40 - Passing & receiving of the Flame of Love & short meditation. Confessions will be heard during this time.
Bring your sacramentals and candles to be blessed!
Candles are available for sale in the Bookstore: 6-Day Candles $4 ea.; 3-Day 51% Beeswax Candles In Glass $12 ea.; 12” 51% Beeswax Taper Candles $4 ea.
If possible, please purchase your candles over the phone beforehand and pick them up on the way upstairs to Mass to be blessed. Previously blessed candles cannot be sold.
Join a Flame of Love Cenacle
Cenacles meet Tues. at 10 am, Thurs. at 10 am & Thurs. at 2 pm.
These prayer groups meet weekly in the Chapel to pray for the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which is Christ Himself, to be enkindled in our hearts and bring about a new Pentecost. There is no denying that this is exactly what our broken and hurting world needs. Learn more about this powerful and growing devotion HERE. Contact Board Member Ada Vergne for the materials and to sign up. Live streaming available for those who cannot attend in person.
Blessing of the Throats at Mass
Wednesday, February 3rd, 12:00 Noon Mass
Join us for Mass and have your throat blessed with candles. This tradition dates back to the 4th century after St. Blaise, a bishop and martyr saved a boy choking on a fishbone. We invoke St. Blaise for his protection against any physical ailment of the throat. Let us also pray for protection against any spiritual ailment which may find vent through our throats: profanity, cursing, unkind remarks, or gossip. St. James warns us, "If a man who does not control his tongue imagines that he is devout, he is self-deceived; his worship is pointless." This warning is particularly appropriate in a society whose interactions have become increasingly uncivil. St. Blaise, pray for us!
First Friday Mass
February 5th, 12:00 Noon & 7:30 pm
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Confessions & Devotions will follow both Masses.
Our Lord's First Friday Promises
First Saturday Mass
February 6th, 10:30 am
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Confessions & Devotions will follow Mass and end with Benediction.
Shop will be open 11:15 am - 2:00 pm
Our Lady's First Saturday Promises
Join us in making reparation for the sins committed against the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Our Lord and Our Lady will grant you a peace beyond all understanding and guard your heart in these troubled times.
Novena to the Holy Face
Sunday, Feb. 7 - Tuesday. Feb. 16th
We will pray this novena at OLC after all 12:00 Noon Weekday Masses only. As we are closed on the weekends, we will pray virtually. Email Ada Vergne with any questions and to join a prayer room for the weekends. Prayer intentions and daily novena prayers are posted HERE.
The Novena to the Holy Face of Jesus is prayed on the nine days leading up to and concluding on Shrove Tuesday, the Feast of the Holy Face, to make reparation for the blasphemies made against our Lord by atheists and the profaning of Sundays by Catholics. We will pray before the blessed image of the Holy Face which was installed in our chapel in 2016, the very same image to which St. Therese was dedicated, and a reproduction of the image known as "Vera Effigies” of the veil of Veronica.
Holy Hour of Reparation
to the Sacred Heart before the Blessed Sacrament
Friday, February 12th following 12:00 Noon Mass. Booklets provided
In light of the affronts against God and his creation which are being perpetrated and increasingly promoted in our world, we are again making this powerful devotion a regular activity. Come join in these vocal prayers of thanksgiving and reparation to the Blessed Trinity and especially our Savior, prayers through our dear Blessed Mother, and all the saints for unity in the Church, for sinners of all types, for a just and lasting peace in the world and more!
Mass & Visitation of the Missionary Image of Our Lady of America
Saturday, February 13th, 10:30 am Mass
followed by a Holy Hour of Prayer for Purity, Peace and Protection
The United States of America needs our prayers! Come join us for Mass at 10:30 am and stay for a holy hour during which we will pray before a large, beautiful holy icon of Our Lady of America beseeching her most Immaculate Heart to intercede on behalf of our suffering nation and to assist us specifically in addressing the sins of impurity being perpetrated in our land. Learn more about this beautiful and growing devotion and Our Lady's promises on the Dan Lynch Apostolates website HERE. Materials and handouts will be provided, courtesy of the apostolate. The Bookstore will be open following the holy hour for sales.
President's Day Holy Hour
Monday, February 15th following 12:00 Noon Mass
Come spend an hour with us in solemn Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament as we honor our former presidents who defended and upheld our freedoms and also to pray for the office of the presidency and for its current and future occupants. We will never cease calling for the defense of our freedoms, especially the freedom of religion. Nor will we cease to pray for those entrusted with authority over us, that they allow themselves to be humbly guided by Truth and blessed with wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
Ash Wednesday
TWO Masses with Distribution of Ashes:
Wednesday, February 17th
12:00 Noon Mass & Confession
If you can not make it to Mass at your parish, come to OLC and receive your ashes at noon Mass, and stay for Confession to kick off your Lenten journey cleansed of spiritual impurities.
7:00 pm Mass followed by the
"PASSION TALK" by Matthew Commins
As we enter into the holy season of Lent, we have an opportunity to turn our gazes more fully upon our Savior in his Passion and death. Patron Matthew Commins is the son of the late Bill Commins, a kindly gentleman who served Masses here and who is deeply missed. Matt's Passion Talk will be what he describes as an accurate and extremely graphic description of what Our Lord Jesus Christ experienced physically for our salvation during his passion, crucifixion and death.” Matt has presented this wrenching and deeply moving talk at Ascension Parish in Halethorpe, St. Augustine's Catholic Church in Elkridge and others. We are looking forward to finally hearing his presentation which was originally scheduled last year but was postponed due to Covid19.
NOTE: Due to its graphic nature this talk is not suitable for children.
Stations of the Cross
Fridays During Lent
Join us in the Chapel on Fridays after the 12:00 Noon and 7:30 pm Masses as we pray this ancient devotion. Booklets are provided.
Please Note: There will be no Stations of the Cross after 12 Noon Mass on 2/19 due to Defend Life talk in the chapel.
You may also enjoy our outdoor Stations of the Cross, recently been relocated to the banks of the stream out back, on your own anytime.
Universal Year of St. Joseph Devotions
Every Wednesday following 12 Noon Masses
The world desperately needs the intercession of St. Joseph, patron of fathers, families, the Universal Church and the Terror of Demons! Prayers will be prayed with the purpose of receiving a plenary indulgence, other necessary conditions being met. Learn more about the plenary indulgences for the Year of St. Joseph HERE and how it all came about, through the efforts of Fr. Calloway and the Marians, HERE. Additionally, every FIRST Wednesday of the month is especially dedicated to St. Joseph. Learn about the Nine First Wednesdays HERE.
Consecration to St. Joseph
Begin preparation on Feb. 16th to Consecrate on March 19th!
Fr. Don Calloway's best-selling book, "Consecration to St. Joseph" is a perfect resource for these times. Pick up yours in the Bookstore and join spiritually with Catholics all over the world in preparation for another mass consecration which will take place on St. Joseph's Feast Day, March 19th! We will have a group consecration after Mass at OLC on that day.
The 2020 Defend Life Speaker Series Presents:
Sr. Dede Byrne: Serving God & Country
Friday, February 19th following 12:00 Noon Mass
Dede Byrne - a religious sister, soldier, and surgeon - is clearly a ROCK STAR in the pro-life movement. Who will ever forget her most memorable words at the 2020 Republican National Convention when she said I’m not just PRO-LIFE, I’m PRO-ETERNAL LIFE! We especially loved when she pulled out her rosary, her "weapon of choice." Sister Dede is the older sister of Father Bill Byrne, Chaplain of the Catholic Student Center at the University of Maryland of College Park.
RSVP REQUIRED. Space is limited. Overflow in conference room with livestream. Arrive by 12:45 pm if you are not attending 12 noon Mass.
There will be no Confessions or Stations of the Cross after 12:00 noon Mass due to the talk. The Blessed Sacrament will be reposed until around 3 pm. Adoration will resume until 7:30 pm. For those who cannot attend, Defend Life talks are usually recorded and posted at their website, www.defendlife.org.
Pray for Vocations with the Ecce Homo Traveling Bust of Our Lord & Blessed Chalice
Sign up in the Bookstore to take home the Ecce Homo bust of Our Lord and blessed chalice for a two week interval. Set them up in a place of honor in your home and, during that period, pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life as well as your own personal intentions. Instructions and optional prayers and devotional materials are included, as well as a diary filled with the entries of those who have hosted the bust and chalice in their homes previously. Many miracles and wonders have happened as a result of this devotion. For more information, contact Ada Vergne HERE.
Tell your friends about OLC. They can sign up for the newsletter HERE
Like us on Facebook for the most up to date info!
We are looking forward to the day we can open up all the pews again. Until then, many thanks to Ada Vergne for donating the cost of pew ropes so we could finally remove the unsightly blue tape.
February Events at a Glance:
2/2 Tuesday:
Candlemas, Presentation of Our Lord, & Flame of Love Feast Day, 11:30 am -1 pm
2/3 Wednesday:
St. Blaise Feast Day Blessing of the Throats, 12:00 Noon Mass
2/5 Friday:
First Friday Mass & Devotions 12:00 Noon & 7:30 pm
2/6 Saturday:
First Saturday Mass, 10:30 am followed by Devotions
2/7 Sunday:
Holy Face Novena begins (start at home)
2/12 Friday:
2nd Fridays Holy Hour of Reparation, following 12 noon Mass
2/13 Saturday:
Mass & Holy Hour for Our Lady of America.
2/15 Monday:
President's Day Holy Hour after 12:00 Noon Mass
2/16 Tuesday:
Shrove Tuesday Holy Face Novena concludes.
2/17 Wednesday:
Ash Wednesday Ashes distributed at 12 noon & 7 pm Masses; Passion Talk by Matt Commins at 7:40 pm.
2/19 Friday:
Talk by Sr. Dede Byrne, 1 pm. Reserved seating; Stations of the Cross after 7:30 pm Mass only
2/26 Friday:
Stations of the Cross after 12 Noon and 7:30 pm Masses
February Special Feasts
2/02: Candlemas, Presentation of Our Lord & Flame of Love Feast Day
2/03: St. Blaise
2/05: St. Agatha
2/08: St. Josephine Bakhita
2/10: St. Scholastica
2/11: Our Lady of Lourdes
2/14: St. Valentine's Day
2/16: Holy Face of Jesus (Shrove Tuesday)
2/17: Ash Wednesday (day of fasting and abstinence)
2/18: St. Bernadette
2/20: Sts. Jacinta & Francisco Marto
2/22: Chair of St. Peter
2/23: St. Polycarp
*We are a non-profit. All sales go towards supporting the Shrine!
Valentine's Day Gifts for Sweethearts
We've just received another shipment of Trappistine Candy including Milk and Dark Chocolate Hearts and Fudge, all freshly made and prayed over by the Trappistine Nuns of Mount St. Mary's Abbey in Massachusetts. Come pick up a box or two before they disappear, along with a card and perhaps a little gift that conveys your love in light of Christ's abundant, unconditional and everlasting love. Watch a video showing the nuns at work creating their wonderful candy and discussing their vocation HERE!
Immaculate Waters soaps and lotions made with pure Lourdes grotto water in Rose and Lavender scents. A perfect gift for all the special ladies in your life.
Prepare for a Holy Lent & Easter
Walk with the world’s singular model of faith and purity each day of your Lenten spiritual pilgrimage to Easter. Explore Mary’s messages one by one, dedicating each week of Lent to an overarching theme from her apparitions and drawing from each a vibrant new spiritual lesson for your life.
Fr. Joseph Langford's popular devotional with guided meditations on Scripture through the teachings and spirituality of his close friend Mother Teresa. This Lent, spend a few minutes every day with St. Teresa of Calcutta thirsting for Our Lord as she did and growing in intimacy with him.
The third in Fr. Michael Gaitley's 33 Day consecration series is a total consecration to the Father through Jesus based on the Gospel of John.
A beautiful guide to the customs and devotions of Lent and the season of Christ's Resurrection. It includes the tradition of St. Joseph's table!
Saint & Animal Easter Egg Wraps from Shining Light Dolls. So Adorable!!
Celebrate the Universal Year of St. Joseph
We have a huge selection of framed prints, statues, books, devotionals and more to honor our spiritual father. St. Joseph, pray for us!
15% OFF
one Lent or Easter Book
No coupon necessary. Valid on regularly priced, in-stock books only. Not valid on previously purchased or discounted items. Cannot be combined with other coupons or discounts. Some restrictions apply.
Expires 02/28/2021 |
Ways to Help Support OLC:
Through the last 46 years, countless patrons have paid it forward to help this little family apostolate grow and thrive, ensuring that countless lives and hearts would be touched by the gentle hand of Mary through our efforts. If you are so moved, please consider helping us continue this beautiful legacy which is needed perhaps now more than ever. Help us continue our mission to bring people to Christ through Mary. We are registered 501 (c)3 non-profit. Thank you, and God bless you!
- Set up a Monthly Electronic Donation. Any amount will help! Contact us for details.
- Purchase a Gift Certificate to use in the future. We'll mail it to you or to a loved one anytime.
- Make a donation through PAYPAL anytime.
Store Hours
Monday - Thursday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm* Friday: 10:00 am - 7:30 pm* First Saturday: 10:00 am -10:30 am; 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm *Please note that the store is always closed during the noon Mass |
Chapel Hours:
Holy Sacrifice
of the Mass
Monday-Friday: 12:00pm
Friday night: 7:30 pm
1st Saturdays: 10:30 am
Monday-Friday: 11:30 am
Following all Masses
Friday: 12:30 - 7:30 pm
Friday Night Devotions
Holy Mass: 7:30 pm
Followed by: Confessions, Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction
Our Lady's Center Marian Shrine is a 501(c)3 non-profit Catholic lay apostolate within the Archdiocese of Baltimore located outside of Baltimore, Maryland in Ellicott City. We offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and confessions upstairs in our chapel each weekday and on first Saturdays. Downstairs in our beautiful store, we carry a large selection of Catholic books and religious articles to meet every need. We have many monthly events and activities. |