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February 2020
Issue 130
Hello Great Gardeners,
We can't wait for spring to be here. Behind the scenes, we have been hard at work, plugs and seeds have been arriving, and our production workers have been planting up a storm.

Fresh shipments of houseplants arrived this past week, and retail has been unboxing a bunch of new garden decor.

Stop on out, check out what is new, and say 'Hi.'
As always, if you have any questions, comments or suggestions, hit reply. I would love to hear from you. Have a great-gardening day.

What Is An Epiphyte?
Epiphyte - A plant that grows on another plant or object merely for physical support
The word epiphyte comes from the Greek “epi”, which means “upon” and “phyton”, which means plant. They derive their nutrients and other vitals from the air, water, dust, and debris around them. Because true epiphytes don’t require much soil, if any, they make excellent houseplants.

Listed below are a five popular ephiphyte houseplants.
Orchid Plants are one of the largest plant species in the world, with over 20,000 different varieties. Orchid Plants are long-lived, and, with proper care, bloom again and again for many years.

Light: Bright Light, No Direct Sun
Water: Always allow the top 50% of the potting compost to dry out before watering.
Soil: Use a bark-based soil such as Espoma Orchid Mix, for growing.

Fun Facts About Orchids:
The vanilla bean comes from a species of Orchid. The Vanilla Orchid is the only commercially grown and harvested Orchid plant.

Orchids take about 5-7 years to bloom once germinated. Plants sold in stores are already decades old!

Orchids have the tiniest seeds in the world. A single seedpod can have up to 3 million seeds inside! The seeds are so small they can only be seen under a microscope.

The Orchid has been held in high regard since ancient times. It symbolizes love, beauty, fertility, refinement, thoughtfulness, and charm.
Guzmania Bromeliads:
They are the most common houseplant variety; they bloom in clusters of red, orange, yellow, purple, or white.

As a general rule of thumb, bromeliads will thrive in the same conditions as epiphytic orchids.

Light: Bright Light, No Direct Sun
Water: These houseplants have tiny roots, and over-watering is the number one reason bromeliads die. Place distilled or filtered water in the central cup of the plant and frequently replace it to keep the plant from rotting. Keep the potting mix moist during the spring and the summer months.
Soil: Use a bark-based soil such as Espoma Orchid Mix, for growing.

Fun Facts About Bromeliads:
Pineapples are a bromeliad.

Bromeliads, in general, only bloom a single time and then produce vegetative offsets (called pups). These pups can be carefully cut off with sterile snippers and potted up individually. Pups should only be potted up after they develop a few roots and begin to form the central cup characteristic to bromeliads.

Bromeliads use their roots for balance, not for transferring nutrients. Their leaves take in all of the water and nutrients the plant needs.
Staghorn Fern:
Once a rare plant find Staghorn Ferns are now quite popular. They are unique looking plants and do not resemble any other fern. The outer leaves of a Staghorn Fern are shaped like elk antlers and are thick and green. These leaves have fine hairs that make them feel a little furry and give a Staghorn Fern a gray or silver look.

Light: Bright Light, No Direct Sun
Water: A good rule of thumb is to water once a week during warm, dry weather and less frequently during cool or cloudy weather. They will droop when they need water.
Soil: An ideal planting spot for staghorn fern is mounted: on a slab of wood, some tree fern fiber, or even a rock. To attach your fern, shape several handfuls of sphagnum moss into a circular mound and "plant" so that its basal fronds are in contact with the medium. To secure the fern to its planting surface, use plastic strips, nylon hose, or wire. Basal fronds called shields; are small, flat leaves that cover the root structure.

Fun Facts About Staghorn Ferns:

Produces two kinds of fronds: a round, flat, basal frond that appears to anchor the plant to a tree, and fronds that branch and grow out away from the trunk. As a staghorn grows, it produces layers of fronds, new ones growing over the older, brown, papery ones, to form a cylinder. This natural container catches water and debris, which becomes a nutritious mulch for the fern.

Staghorn ferns do not bloom and reproduce by spores located on the underside of leaves.
Bird's Nest Fern:
Has long, erect, leathery, apple-green fronds that never split like those of a Kimberly Queen Fern or a Maidenhair Fern. The broad rippled leaves of a Bird's Nest Fern emerge from a central rosette or crown that looks like a fuzzy brown funnel. When the new fronds of a Bird's Nest Fern first appear, they
resemble little bird eggs, hence the nickname, Bird's Nest Fern.

Light: Medium to Bright Light, No Direct Sun.
Water: Keep soil moist but never soggy at all times.
Soil: Peat based potting mix

Fun Facts About Bird's Nest Ferns:
The bird's nest fern is a house plant that likes humidity. The higher the humidity, the longer the fronds.

Some bird' s-nest ferns can grow to 4 feet in diameter, with fronds that are 2 to 5 feet long.

They do not produce flowers or fruits; instead, like all true ferns, reproduce by spores found on the undersides of fronds.

Anthuriums are cheery, exotic flowering houseplants that offer glossy, heart-shaped green leaves topped by heart-shaped pink, red, or white long-lasting blooms. Happily, Anthuriums bloom almost all year long if they get enough light, fertilizer, and moisture.

Light: Bright Light, No Direct Sun
Water: Water your Anthurium well and then allow the top 1-2 inches of soil to dry out before watering again.
Soil: Wilson's Sure Mix Potting Soil

Fun Facts About Anthurium:
Though it looks like a waxy bloom, it is a spathe or shield-like leaf. Its function is to protect the spadix, which contains several tiny flowers when in bloom. The spathe can come in many colors, such as pink, orange, and white.

The anthurium flower derives its name from two Greek words: oura, meaning tail and anthos, meaning flower. Translated the phrase means tail flower. It is also commonly known as the Flamingo Flower, Hawaiian Heart, Painted Tongue, and Painters Palette because of the unique shape and spadix.

The anthurium flower is known universally as a symbol of hospitality.
Six Steps To Start Your Veggie Seeds Indoors
Start most warm weather veggie seeds 6-8 weeks before the last frost date (May 15th). Cool-season veggies can be started indoors 4-8 weeks before April transplanting. Check the seed packet to determine your indoor sowing date.
We recommend the Espoma Organic Seed Starting Mix. Use hot water to moisten the mix in the bag and then fill your sterilized or new flats or pots with this moistened mix.
Scatter seeds evenly over the surface or in rows. Some seeds need to be lightly covered with the mix to germinate, others do not. Check on the package to see if your seeds have any special requirements when you sow them. Label each kind to keep track of what you have sown.
Loosely cover your containers with a clear plastic wrap to hold moisture until the seeds sprout. Our humidity domes work great to maintain the proper conditions. A heat mat placed under the plants will keep the plants at the ideal temperature of 70-75 degrees F. Use a fluorescent light for around 14-16 hours a day for the fastest growth. Keep the seedlings only a few inches below the lights, so they don't "stretch" and get "leggy." Plants stretch because they do not have enough light to stay compact.
For seedlings already in pots: As the seedlings develop their first set of true leaves, begin thinning out the smaller plants, keeping the largest, healthiest seedlings. Do so by pinching off the stems at soil level, so you don't disturb the plants you keep.
For seedlings in flats: Carefully dig up the little seedlings and put them in larger pots (Peat pots are ideal for this). Use the same moist seeding mix to fill the containers as you used in the seed flat.
Feed plants if they become pale. This will keep the plants dark green and healthy. As the seedlings grow and the temperatures rise, the plants need to be acclimated to outdoor temperatures as it gets closer to the frost-free date. Place the plants outside in a semi-shady, sheltered spot during warm days (60's and above) and bring back in during the cooler evenings. After a week or two of acclimation and after the frost-free date (for warm weather veggies), the plants will be ready to transplant.
New Feature
Take a tour of our garden center through our 360-degree photo map located on the front page of our website (gardencenterohio.com).
The map is updated one to two times a month.  
Boston Ferns
Boston Fern
10 Inch Hanging Baskets

2 For $28
Pre-Order Online For Pickup In-Store The Beginning Of April

Boston Ferns make an excellent addition to the home, adding an elegant charm and classic beauty unlike any other houseplant available.
This voluptuous, easy-care, fern grows just as well on porches and patios as it does gracing your front hall or living room. Boston ferns produce graceful arching branches covered with soft, emerald-green fronds. Indoors, Boston ferns will also help remove toxins such as formaldehyde from the air.
Now Hiring
We are now hiring flower-loving smiling faces for our 2020 Spring Season!

We have many wonderful seasonal opportunities for employment! We offer rewarding work in a beautiful environment with friendly co-workers, a family atmosphere, and a generous employee discount.
See our website gardencenterohio.com for more details.
Upcoming Events
Painting With Ryan Wood Sign
Saturday, March 7th
Time: 1:00 pm
Cost: $30.00 + tax
Limit of 14 participants
(Must be 16 & older to participate)
Click Here To Register
& Pay
Spring Pansy Purse
Friday, March 20th
Time: 11:00 am
Cost: $12.99 + tax
Class Size Limited To 20 Attendees
Click Here To Register
& Pay
Alcohol Ink On Tile
Sunday, March 22nd
Time: 1:00 pm
Cost: $20.00 + tax
Limit of 15 participants
Click Here To Register
& Pay
Herb Flower Cart
Sunday, March 22nd
Time: 2:00 pm
Cost: $29.99 + tax
Limit of 15 participants
Click Here To Register
& Pay
Wilson's Garden Center
10923 Lambs Ln.
Newark, Ohio. 43055

740-763-2874 (Fax)

January & February Hours
Monday - Saturday:

9 am - 5 pm
Closed Sunday
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We are a family owned and operated garden center specializing in plants that thrive in Central Ohio

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