June is dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. More about the devotion HERE.
"O Sacred Heart of Jesus, fountain of eternal life, Your Heart is a glowing furnace of Love. You are my refuge and my sanctuary.” - St. Gertrude the Great
Thy Word Newsletter
June 2017
Saturday, June 3rd
10:30 am
Tuesday, June 13th
11:30 am - 3:30
June 14th & 28th
10:30 am
Spread the "Word"!
Tell your friends about OLC. They can sign up for the newsletter HERE
Like us on Facebook for the most up to date info!
First Saturday Mass & Devotions with Ministry Presentation
Saturday, June 3rd
Beginning with 10:30 am Mass
We at Our Lady's Center are careful to observe Our Lady's request to observe First Saturdays. Along with our regularly scheduled First Saturday Mass and devotions, we are also now hosting a short presentation by a ministry each month. This month, we welcome Ray Ogden representing the St. Lawrence Prison Ministry in Jessup which visits a women's prison, providing religious services and studies.
June 13th Fatima Apparition Centennial
Tuesday, June 13th, 11:30 am - 3:30 pm
Bring Our Lady a bouquet of flowers to set before the altar!
The Fatima Centennial celebration continues here at Our Lady's Center with a commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of Our Lady's second apparition at Fatima. As usual, we will have the Rosary at 11:30 and Mass at Noon. Following Mass, all present will be invited to participate in a Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Special intercessory prayers and devotions will follow, and Confessions will also be heard. At 1:30, we will have an encore presentation of the movie, The 13th Day, for anyone who missed the showing last month and would like to see this wonderful production. Finally, a Divine Mercy Chaplet in song will be prayed in the chapel. Please join us as we continue to honor Our Lady of Fatima.
Children's Storytime
Two Wednesdays:
June 14th & 28th,
10:30 - 11:30 am
Summer is back, and so is Children's Storytime at OLC! Join us at 10:30 am in the conference room for a fun and faith-filled time together including a storybook reading and activity. We will provide a snack and juice for the kids. RSVP to help us anticipate how many snacks to have on hand! And, since you'll be here anyway, why not stay for Mass? June 14th's book selection: "Mary & the Shepherd Children of Fatima" by Pauline Books.
Father's Day is for Fathers of all kinds!
Father's Day is June 18th. What a perfect time to let your spiritual father know how much you appreciate everything he does for you. Here are some ideas: have a Mass offered for him; purchase an image of the Sacred Heart for your home and ask him over to dinner to bless it; give him a Gift Certificate to OLC to use along with his regular priest discount of 20%; send a card with a spiritual bouquet blooming with Masses, rosaries and novenas; fill a gift basket with Mystic Monk Coffee, a mug and a CD or a book.
Queen of Heaven:
Mary's Battle for YOU
8-Part DVD Course
on the First Saturday of each month at OLC
12:30 - 1:30 pm
Register NOW and order
your Study Guide ($24.95)
by calling OLC at
Registration deadline
This amazing DVD series is being made available by the Legion of Mary, Our Lady Undoer of Knots Praesidium which meets here OLC. For more information on the course or the Legion, contact Rubie Mize HERE.
"Embark on a journey that begins before time itself, when Mary was only an eternal thought in the Mind of God, and extends into her life in Scripture. Discover Our Mother throughout centuries of Church history, as she intervenes at pivotal periods—especially at her most famous apparitions, when she made roses bloom on a hillside in Mexico, when she made a miraculous spring of water rise from the ground in Lourdes, and when she made the sun dance at Fatima. See the maternal care she has given to humanity and the battle she has waged against the evil one, the one she was put in enmity to for all time. After seeing how she pursues us in love, learn how to grow closer to Mary, Our Mother by making devotion to her part of our daily life. Take this journey now and discover the woman who, from the very beginning, was destined to be the Queen of Heaven."
May 13th Fatima Centennial:
Our Lady Beautifully Honored on Her Feast Day!
We could not imagine a better way to spend the 100th Anniversary of the first apparition of our Lady at Fatima than to make a whole day of honoring our Blessed Mother. The events began with a special rosary rally and petitions led by children. Many thanks to Kelly Molino for organizing all the participants. Msgr. Joseph Lizor celebrated the Mass, joined by our old friend, Fr. Nelson, who used to be a regular celebrant at the Center. Fr. Nelson, upon arriving and witnessing the copious crowd overflowing into our conference room, offered to concelebrate. The Lord does provide!
As during the well-attended Pilgrim Virgin Fatima Statue visit, we were set up to stream the Mass and events live to the conference room on the first floor, so everyone who came could hear, see and join in the events. Many thanks to King Audio/Video of Ellicott City for providing the equipment and connection pro bono for us!
Following Mass, we were treated by the St. Philomena's Apostolate Choir to a Paschal Mysteries Concert, which they recently performed at the Basilica in Baltimore. Patrons were enthralled with the beauty and impressed with the quality of the performance. Thank you to Meghan Hackett for her masterful leadership. What a gift to the patrons of OLC and to Our Lady! All this, and the day was not even over yet...
Showers Could Not Dampen our May Crowning
At the conclusion of the amazing performance by the St. Philomena Apostolate Choir, it was time for the May Procession and Crowning of the Blessed Mother. Like that day in Fatima 100 years ago, the morning had been a washout, but the rain had finally subsided. Still, the decision was made to hold the May Crowning in the chapel, due to crowd size, a full parking lot (thanks again to fantastic parking attendants) and, well, the mud.
As if the day was not special enough, the great-nephew of Frank Lancelotta, the founder of Our Lady's Center, performed the very special honor of crowning the Blessed Mother! August Lancelotta had just recently received his First Holy Communion, and he looked quite handsome in his suit. August carried Mary's lovely handmade crown on an elegant pillow (both compliments of Eliana Ayoub) and followed behind Msgr. Lizor in the procession. Other beautifully and finely dressed recent First Communicants processed behind August, as well as any other children present, and each carried a white carnation to present to the Blessed Mother. The St. Philomena's Choir sang a cappella as the children processed through the aisles of the chapel and to the statue of Mary. August then climbed the ladder, assisted and steadied by his father, and gently placed the crown upon Our Lady's head.
At that point, Msgr. Lizor began hearing Confessions, and many enjoyed much-appreciated refreshments downstairs. A variety of goodies were provided by the Center and by many thoughtful patrons who brought trays to share. The bookstore was a flurry of activity, as well. Fatima, Marian and Mother's Day items were in high demand. Many patrons chose to stay for a screening of an excellent movie, The 13th Day, which was shown in the conference room. The dramatization was very well received, and our DVD's sold out, leaving us to take orders! Happily, they are back in stock in time for our next showing on June 13th.
Some patrons even stayed for the last event of the day, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, returning to the chapel to pray and sing with the accompanying CD. What an amazing, grace filled day it was! Truly, we feel we honored Our Lady. Again, thank you to all for participating in this most beautiful of days at Our Lady's Center. We don't know how many of you fulfilled the requirements to receive a plenary indulgence, but we'd like to hope it was a good many of you. And remember, you have five more opportunities to do so at OLC, on the 13th of each month through October! More on the indulgence HERE
The Flame of Love Presentation by Anthony Mullen Enthusiastically Received
Only five days after the Feast Day of Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady's Center welcomed Anthony Mullen, National Coordinator for the Flame of Love Movement, to give a talk entitled, "The Role of the Mother of God, the Flame of Love Grace, and the New Pentecost." Mr. Mullen was joined by Diane Salem who is the coordinator for the Maryland Flame of Love Movement and who has a cenacle prayer group at St. Patricks Church in Rockville MD. Both were impressed with the enthusiasm with which the presentation was met. Many came for Mass and the presentation and then stayed for the discussion afterwards. Those ready to make the commitment involving praying and fasting did so. Ada Vergne worked tirelessly to bring Mr. Mullen to OLC and to choreograph the day's events, from assuring archdiocesan approval for hosting the presentation right down to providing light snacks and refreshments for those staying throughout the morning and afternoon. Some who attended have reported back to Ada stories of amazing graces which flowed that day. She and Joan Kane are honored to be the co-leaders for the local cenacle which will eventually meet here at OLC. Learn more about the movement HERE and contact Ada Vergne HERE if you would like materials or information on the cenacle.
Ada shared a photo of the sunset which she took upon arriving home. The dramatic clouds resemble flames, and within the clouds, a rainbow formed. Ada says it was glorious, and that the photo simply does not do it justice. Certainly her heart rejoiced at what seems to be divine approval of a holy day and a job well done by a very faithful servant.
June Events at a Glance
First Saturday Mass & Devotions
with Presentation on Prison Ministry
Saturday, June 3, 10:30 am
Fatima Apparition Centennial Day
Tuesday, June 13
Children's Storytime
Wednesday, June 14, 10:30 - 11:30 am
Children's Storytime
Wednesday, June 28, 10:30 - 11:30 am
First Saturday Mass & Devotions
with Presentation on Hospice Volunteering
Saturday, July 1, 10:30 am
Queen of Heaven DVD Course Begins
Saturday, July 1, 12:30 pm
June Special Feasts
6/4 Pentecost
6/11 St. Barnabus
6/13 St. Anthony of Padua
6/15 Corpus Christi (Trad.)
6/18 Feast of the Most Holy
Body & Blood of Christ
6/21 St. Aloysius Gonzaga
6/22 St. Thomas More
6/23 Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
6/24 Immaculate Heart of Mary
Nativity of St. John the Baptist
6/26 St. Josemaria Escriva
6/29 Sts. Peter & Paul
6/30 First Martyrs of the Holy
Roman Church
Gifts for Fathers of all Kinds!
Come see our selection of gifts for Dads and for Priests, your Spiritual fathers!
"Ora et Labora"
(Pray and work)
St. Benedict caps
Sure he may have ties...
but does he have
a Catholic tie?
Or how about our popular
St. Joseph the Worker
leather gloves?
Just mention you saw this offer in the
newsletter to receive
15% OFF
One Pair of St. Joseph the
Worker Leather Gloves
Must mention coupon code at time of purchase. Offer not valid on previously purchased items and cannot be combined with other coupons. Limit one redemption per visit.
Expires 06/30/2017 |
How Would You Describe Our Lady’s Center?
- A Secret Garden...because who can even find it?
- A Little Slice of Heaven...served up daily at Noon
- A Sanctuary of Peace...in a sea of crazy
- A Catholic Candy Shop...delectable goodies for the soul!
- Treasure Island...a secret cache of spiritual gems
- Home...because your Mother is here, waiting for you to come visit.
Our Lady’s Center is all this and more, and it exists on your prayers and your support. Spread the word! Bring a friend! Volunteer! Donate! Help this apostolate grow, that we may spread the kingdom of God through the intercession of the Blessed Mother. Please prayerfully consider how you may be uniquely equipped to assist us and call us...or just drop us a note HERE!
We just love this photo of Board Member Ada Vergne with our gorgeous peonies on the morning of the Flame of Love presentation which she coordinated.
Our Lady's Center Marian Shrine
3301 Rogers Ave
Ellicott City, MD 21043
(410) 461-5066
Store Hours
Monday - Thursday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm* Friday: 10:00 am - 7:30 pm* First Saturday: 10:00 am -10:30 am; 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm *Please note that the store is always closed during the noon Mass
Chapel Hours:
Holy Sacrifice
of the Mass
Monday-Friday: 12:00pm
Friday night: 7:30 pm
1st Saturdays: 10:30 am
Monday-Friday: 11:30 am
Following all Masses
Friday: 12:30 - 7:30 pm
Friday Night Devotions
Holy Mass: 7:30 pm
Followed by: Confessions, Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction
Our Lady's Center Marian Shrine is a 501(c)3 non-profit Catholic lay apostolate within the Archdiocese of Baltimore located outside of Baltimore, Maryland in Ellicott City. We offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and confessions upstairs in our chapel each weekday and on first Saturdays. Downstairs in our beautiful store, we carry a large selection of Catholic books and religious articles to meet every need. We have many monthly events and activities.